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Discover Your True Identity

Embrace Your Purpose

Develop the Power to Elevate Others


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"Your dreams can be achieved and surpassed through the practical truths from the words of this book."
Greg DeVries

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the author

Chad Owen is a happily married husband since 1992 and father of four children. Though he is most well known as a financial expert in the safe money industry, he is also a spiritual mentor to many.  


He currently serves on the board of multiple ministries worldwide, leads several discipleship groups for men and women, and is involved in his local church.  He has been involved in youth ministry and has mentored numerous individuals and couples for over 20 years. He's passionate about pouring into people of all ages and stages of life, guiding them through the successes and failures of his past, and helping jump-start their futures.  


As a strong believer, he lives by the example of his Heavenly Father and is determined to help current and future generations discover their true identity and change the world.

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